
Securities license

Monitor Capital Markets i Sverige AB (559157-3570) is an affiliated agent of Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267), which is a securities company operating under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. Monitor Capital Markets i Sverige AB has the right to conduct the following licensed investment services based on the Securities Market Act (2007:528).

Reception and transmission of orders for one or more financial instruments (Securities Markets Act (“SMA”) 2:1 p. 1)


Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267) is affiliated with Swedsec Licensiering AB.

Swedsec Licensiering AB (Swedsec) tillhandahåller licensiering av anställda på den svenska finansmarknaden. Verksamheten grundar sig i att skapa höga kunskaper och regelefterlevnad hos anställda på finansmarknaden.

All brokers at Monitor Capital Markets i Sverige AB are Swedsec licensed.


We strive to provide high quality with the customer in focus and your opinion is important to us. If you have any comments, please contact the responsible broker at Monitor Capital Markets i Sverige AB in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you can contact Mangold's complaints officer. Mangold is liable for pure financial loss caused to the client intentionally or negligently by the agent's activities under our authorization. Please address the following:

Mangold Fondkommission AB
Att: Complaints
Box 55691
102 15 Stockholm

If you want to talk to someone outside Mangold, you can contact the Swedish Consumers' Banking and Finance Bureau or the consumer advice office in your municipality for free advice. You can also have your case reviewed by a third party by contacting the General Complaints Board and the general court.

Privacy policy

In order for you as a customer to be able to take advantage of our services and offers, Monitor Capital Markets needs to collect and process certain information about you. Below is how Monitor Capital Markets processes, safeguards and is responsible for the information we collect. Within this policy, we will explain Monitor Capital Markets' data processing principles - why we need to process personal data in the first place and the legal basis for collecting it. Monitor Capital Markets does this in order to comply with applicable regulations in this area, but mainly so that you as a potential customer can feel safe with us.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a living person. It can be anything from social security numbers, names and addresses to data such as IP addresses, custody account numbers or recorded calls. The important thing is that it is data that can be linked to you as a person.

Processing of personal data

Processing of personal data means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data. The processing could include the collection, storage, use, consultation or deletion of personal data.

Monitor Capital Markets' processing of your personal data will always comply with the applicable principles that apply to the processing of personal data, including that it is carried out in a lawful, accurate, transparent and appropriate manner and as securely as possible.

About whom do we collect information

Monitor Capital Markets collects information about you as a potential client in your capacity as a shareholder in an unlisted company. Monitor Capital Markets also collects information about persons who, in their capacity as guarantor, authorizer, holder, representative, depositor or pledgee, enter into an agreement with Monitor Capital Markets or otherwise come into contact with us.

How we collect the information

The information stored and processed by Monitor Capital Markets is generally obtained from public documents and information provided by potential customers. Such information may include name, social security number, contact details and financial circumstances. Monitor Capital Markets may also collect identity documentation, such as passport copies, driving licenses or other documentation to prove your identity.

Communication via e-mail or incoming telephone calls can also be saved or recorded.

In addition to the information we receive from you, we may collect information from external actors in order to fulfill our missions. Such information may be obtained from the national personal address register, credit information agencies and through international sanctions lists to prevent us as a financial institution from being used for money laundering and other criminal activities.

The legal basis

We process your personal data only when necessary and legally justified. The most common reasons for processing your data are to prepare, administer and document contracts, verify identity, protect legal interests or other legal obligations such as anti-money laundering legislation and accounting legislation. Your consent may also be the basis for processing personal data.

The storage period

Monitor Capital Markets does not store personal data longer than necessary for the purpose of the processing. Personal data is retained for the duration of the contractual relationship and thereafter for a maximum of 10 years. In some cases, however, the data may be retained for a longer or shorter period due to legal requirements (accounting seven years or money laundering five years)

Security measures

Monitor Capital Markets is committed to your privacy and has clear internal guidelines on how personal data should be processed and protected. Monitor Capital Markets takes the necessary security measures, both technical and organizational, to ensure that your personal data is protected against destruction, unauthorized disclosure, access, loss or alteration.

Who has access to the data

As a general rule, no one outside the Monitor Capital Markets group will have access to the data provided. In the event that data is provided to an external party (e.g. Mobile BankID), it is mainly for the purpose of fulfilling agreements entered into.

Transfers to third countries

A third country is a country outside the EU and EEA.

As a general rule, Monitor Capital Markets will not transfer any personal data to third countries. In cases where this is necessary, Monitor Capital Markets will inform about this and obtain consent before this can happen.

Data controller

Monitor Capital Markets is the data controller. Within Monitor Capital Markets we also have a Data Protection Officer who, in his role, is responsible for compliance. If you wish to receive information about what personal data is processed about you by Monitor Capital Markets, you can request this in writing by sending a letter to the address below. You can also contact this address if you have any questions or wish to request the correction of incorrect or misleading data:

Monitor Capital Markets
Kungsgatan 33
111 56 Stockholm